July 31, 2009

July 26, 2009

You can say we cheat on the sauce...but not the crust!

have some tea & sympathy

at Dallywater's Tea House in Naples, NY

July 25, 2009

Lebanese Festival in Buffalo, NY

food + dancing + rain

(I didn't realize until a few days later that I had my camera settings all completely discombobulated here - hence the too blue hues, etc. - oh well)

July 23, 2009


file under: restoring faith in humanity

July 22, 2009

July 21, 2009

(yeah, that's right: it's a coffee carafe)

July 18, 2009

(reception to celebrate Kara & Chadi's marriage)

We're going to a summer picnic today, to celebrate a friend's wedding
Wouldn't it be fun to dress like this?

(random images found around the internet...)

July 16, 2009

shadows on the floor behind my desk, cast by the flowers sitting on the windowsill overlooking our road...

July 13, 2009

Astronomy Picture of the Day

Favorite new daily blog visit: APOD --
Check out their amazing images - things that really exist, that we are really able to see!

July 12, 2009

Viva la Fiesta!

July 10, 2009

lucky & not so lucky

another accidental visitor to the studio:

initially he only flew a short distance to land right next to the back door - looking at the window reflections, it's easy to see how the birds get confused

July 9, 2009

a summer day in the Finger Lakes

today I visited a few places along local bodies of water

along Keuka Lake

somewhere in Branchport: