May 31, 2010

final poppy blooms in Fred's garden

May 30, 2010

Memorial Day weekend at Seneca Lake

May 28, 2010

morning at boat launch in Woodville

May 26, 2010


late afternoon light

These greens almost look garish - but the glow is accurate, the light was just amazing on this day. I've had my digital camera on the "foliage" setting for the last few weeks, which seems to be similar to using Fuji film in the way it amplifies greens.

May 25, 2010


I like how our neighbor's house looks like a fairy tale cottage here:

Fred's garden in early evening:

File these under "more photos I can't believe my little digital camera takes" -

(on an upstairs window in the barn)

May 24, 2010

more poppies in Fred's garden (in morning sun):

May 23, 2010

muddled paint brush strokes in the clouds:

May 22, 2010

May 21, 2010

first poppies blossomed in a different spot this year: in the woods behind Fred

hello there -
came across this guy on my way across the lawn with the laundry basket - aren't his colors & patterns gorgeous? When you see him from above, you don't realize all the decorating done "inside his house" - just goes to show you can't judge a turtle by his shell (or something like that :)
afterwards we took him back over by the pond, where we've seen them sunning on logs over the last few weeks

May 20, 2010

May 19, 2010

Zeus's eyes & Sparky's tail

May 15, 2010

Ollie & Sparky

Sparky leading Ollie down to the pond - the clicking sound is Ollie's leash as I try to run after them to keep up - you can see Sparky stop to wait for me/us, so I had to abandon the filming idea: