August 29, 2010

bits of my Sunday

laundry & lawn-mowing & logging

August 28, 2010

stopping by Joe's

every time we visit here I'm fascinated by these tin patches on the barn siding - like repairs to a quilt
(Joe said the round ones would have been the tops off tin cans)

pear tree

late August morning

August 27, 2010

along Rt. 21 going towards Cohocton, one of the prettiest stretches of road in Ontario County - every so often I catch it on a day like this with fast moving clouds shifting the light patterns between the rippling mini hills (my photos don't do it justice)

this week's happy list

"encore photos" from last Sunday:

A Town Called Panic

Who needs coffee? Watch these guys!

this is a short from the European TV series - the feature length movie is awesome - takes you right back to being a kid

August 25, 2010

Carmen Amaya

polka dots!!!

Wanda Jackson

oh ho ho ho oh ho ho

August 22, 2010

Pyro Party!

earlier festivities...