November 28, 2010

November 26, 2010

November 25, 2010

here comes the sun, da da da da

Just heard a news blurb about response to the availability of the Beatles now on iTunes: in the first week the bestselling single Beatles track on iTunes was George Harrison's Here Comes the Sun - I never would have guessed that, but I find it endearing, reassuring about our world somehow

Happy Thanksgiving!

if it's 1:00p.m., this is what I'm looking at! :)

November 24, 2010

let's go see a movie

Oooo, these look like perfect holiday movies - can't wait to see these!

The King's Speech starring Colin Firth

127 Hours starring James Franco

worth a watch, makes you think

some nonsense, in honor of hunting season
(that is, when suddenly people walking around with guns are emerging from every roadside ditch, nook and cranny around here)

November 23, 2010

wow Sufjan! especially like the second half of this

November 22, 2010

4 more days...

November 21, 2010

bits of my weekend

full moon setting on horizon (it's an eyeball watching us!)
insomnia at the kitchen window

an oldie but a goody - one of my favorite music videos ever - and I want her outfit to wear to Christmas parties :)

November 19, 2010

final verdict: to be honest, quince pie takes more preparation that it's worth...
it's an odd flavor - but Tim likes it, says he likes the "heirloom" character of it - hmm, maybe it's one of those "acquired tastes"

7 days til Thanksgiving

kinda blurry, but I love this photo
(encore photo from Sunday)

Cinque Terre, Italy!

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let's take a drive through Switzerland

I'll find more scenic routes, right now I'm just learning to read my map (this is outside Bern)

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Wow, I have a new addiction

I can't decide where to go next - this looks like a nice spot for a picnic?

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David B & David L

capricious, fickle inanity

is a plague

November 18, 2010

8 days til Thanksgiving...

As an excuse to post some of my favorite cookbook illustrations, I'm calling this an homage to the days of preparation leading up to next Thursday's food fest... The food is getting ready!

November 17, 2010

sad news :(

The little red squirrel who has kept us entertained all year has suddenly disappeared. Today his digs are being pillaged by large grey squirrels -- there are at least four of them digging nuts out of all kinds of nooks and crannies in the fallen stumps and stick piles behind the barn where the industrious little red guy had hidden them. I appreciate that the stored food won't get wasted, but it's still not a pleasant activity to watch. In many situations red squirrels are not desirable neighbors - however in our setting, he was not a nuisance but rather an inspiring presence. I know nothing about the social habits of squirrels - I wonder if any other little critters out there are missing him today.

November 16, 2010

sneak peeks...!

(first test run with a new process - stay tuned for more...)

November 15, 2010

"Before" picture...

November 14, 2010