To entertain the radical idea that understanding might involve accepting chaos threatens the foundations of our existence. Confusion is anti-American; it flies in the face of benevolent efficiency—that outstanding Puritanical virtue. To admit to anything that suggests chaos is subversive. Sometimes, however, subversion is the way to understanding, and understanding is the cure for information anxiety.
— Richard Saul Wurman
I don’t know what the hell is going on. Neither do you, and neither does any one else, really. We're all lost and making things up as we go. We are making things before we know what they do and breaking stuff before we know what replaces it.
We’re all just here tinkering, speculating and listening to see if our shovels hit something hard while we’re digging. I suppose that’s what world-building is, though, so let’s get used to it. We need to learn to tolerate ambiguity.
Copyright © 2010, Frank Chimero